Minutes of the Committee Meeting of the
Albrighton & District Civic Society
held at 31/32 High St, Albrighton,
on Monday 1st June 2015 at 2pm

Present :       
Peter Woodman - Chairman
Rod Smith – Secretary
Mike Pitchford - Treasurer
John Bulmer
Kate Fletcher
Bob Hickson
David Beeechey (ex-officio representing Donington-with-Boscobel PC)    

1. Apologies received from Peter Leigh, Ron Kidson and David Thomas (ex-officio representing Boningale PC).  Michael Ward (ex-officio representing Albrighton PC) did not attend.

2. Minutes of Meeting of 5th May 2015 were approved.

3. Treasurer’s Report.– MP reported that the recruiting stall on the High St had generated £39 in subscriptions from new members, £19 in renewals and £10.61 in donations. Current bank balance after paying the insurance premium and Fayre stall fee is £2,110.45 some of which is ring fenced for the Entrances Scheme.

4. To consider progress in regard to following main issues

a) Boningale Homes development of the Land East of Shaw Lane
RS reported that in spite of chasing up we had still not received a reply to our submission of comments and a request for a meeting from Richard Fortune (SC).
It was agreed to take up the kind offer from Mark Yeoman (BH) for us to meet them and their consultants.

b) Station Masters Building. The Potential carpenter tenant has borrowed the keys from PW and inspected the building again but no agreement yet with the owner.

c) Pedestrian Access Ramp. RS reported that EE and LM had emailed with some points and these would be discussed when the officers of the Ramp Team meet on 5th June. (Cllr Pledger Chairman, PW Deputy Chairman and RS Secretary). Copy of the updated Draft Heads of Terms (Draft 3) given to members for information.

d) Public Lavatory. PW had written to Marston’s Estate Manager for an update of their views – hopefully these could then be reviewed by Alb PC.

e) Crown Car Park. Members felt that the recent work to repair the surface was a great improvement and was good for the village and those who had organised it were to be congratulated.

f) ADCS/APC Liaison Meetings. At the next Ramp Team Officers meeting on 5th June we will ask that some fixed dates are set for the next Liaison Meetings which will have several representatives from each side.

g) AAHF. KF reported that the June Arts/Craft Fayre had been cancelled due to lack of organisers. They will run a stall on the High St on 6th June. A public meeting to encourage public participation is organised for 16th June at Methodist’s Hall.

h) Eyesores. BH tabled a folder of main eyesores which will be circulated for comments and additions.
JB reported that Terry Ewens (APC Workman) had done very good job in trimming the growths around the bases of the lime trees. Several members commented that he was doing a good job around the village.
ACTION: PW to write to Anne Brakewell (SC) to request that SC’s Contractor mow many areas around the district which now have very long grass.
Fence around the Electricity Sub-station at Kingswood Rd -we had complained about  its excessive height and brash silver colour – PW had received a reply saying that it is to be moved in connection with the new development and will be dealt with then. ACTION:PW to write with our thanks and to ask that when it is relocated it is with a shorter fence and painted green. It was reported that the many post boxes in the village need painting. ACTION:PW to write to Royal Mail.

i)  Entrance Scheme.
RK has reported that the 4th corner of the Patshull Rd/Patshull Lane/A464 Entrance is looking very bad. JB said that we had not tackled this corner as it has lots of services and service boxes.
Next working party is to meet at 9am on Saturday 27th June at Patshull Rd/A464. JB will ask Tony Wrighton if he would use his equipment to cut the vegetation.
RS asked if these very well tended entrances would merit signs such as “Welcome to Boningale” and “Welcome to Albrighton” especially the one for Boningale as this is one of the main entrances.

j) Planters. MP reported that new plantings had been delayed until the weather improved.
Planters near the hardware shop needs volunteers to water it. ACTION: PW knows the hardware shop new owner and will ask if they can help.

5. Matters arising
a) Stall at Albrighton Fayre.
It was agreed that as we had recruited quite well at the two recent occasions when we set up our stall on the High St we would not run a raffle at the Fayre. However JB said he would provide some plants for sale at our stall to provide interest - this was greatly appreciated by the committee. PW reported that David Dimbylow would help at our stall.

b) School Awards Scheme.
ACTION: PW to contact the schools to gather in their submissions.  Prizes will be awarded by JB at our Fayre stall.
6. AOB

Next  meeting:  2p.m. Monday 6th July at 31/32 High St. (Peter Woodman’s house). 

Following Meeting will be at 2pm on Monday 3rd August  2015

All future AGMs are on the second Monday of October

Public Meeting & AGM is at 7.00pm on Monday 12th October 2015